Gambling solutions

Law changes, whats next?

Romanian Gambling is officially on the path of reformation, since the the amendment of Government Emergency Ordinance 77/2009 was published lately on last Friday, things might change inside the Market.

Increase in licensing fees, guarantees and social charges not only reflects a proactive approach to addressing potential gambling-related issues, but also ensures that only the biggest and most reputable operators thrive in the market. And at the same time, the companies with smaller budgets will be forced to leave the market. The trend for gambling companies to join the Romanian market as one of the most reliable markets is officially closed now, as the start budget has increased from the acceptable 300,000 EUR up to a minimum of 3,000,000 EUR investment from the start to join the competition on the Romanian Market.

It is estimated the decrease of the number of operators will decrease by up to 30% in the next year and up to 50% in 2025 comparing to the current situation.